Get Ready For The Underwater Wedding Photography With These Tips

With different types of cultures and marriages type, there are not many things that have survived throughout all cultures and marriages except this famous one. Pre-wedding photography undoubtedly made a splash when it first entered the Indian market. Most couples began choosing unusual but breathtaking photo shoots. Not only that, but they also began filming short pre- and post-wedding trailer-style videos, just like they would for a movie. We give these ideas a big thumbs up! Why not? Your own life is a whole fairytale movie that you should get to live. 

The idea of a pre-wedding photo shoot, however, reached another level when couples began taking pictures underwater. These daring lovers don’t give a damn if their pricey clothing and makeup get soaked! They only care about having fun and getting amazing pictures for their wedding. That speaks most of what people these days have a real craze about. 

To make this all true, it is important that you choose a photographer that has knowledge about locations, a good hand in photography, etc, Also, if you go for a local one. For example, if you’re living in Dallas it is important that you choose an Indian wedding photographer Dallas for the photoshoot. 

Now that you’ve started to work on the idea of an underwater photoshoot, here are some tips you can consider:

  • Practice breathing:

The more air you breathe in, the more choked you’ll feel! Therefore, letting out extra air and attempting to adjust with the remaining oxygen is the key to maintaining composure underwater. For less panic and more peaceful postures, you should also practice holding your breath.

  • Choose transparent outfits: 

One of the most crucial suggestions you should use during your underwater photo shoot is this one. The water’s translucent tones are attracted to the flowing, transparent clothing, making it appear wonderful. Untied hair can also make your attire look more beautiful if you’re a woman. Therefore, choose a transparent dress to capture some beautiful images!

  • Keep your moments slow:

Don’t change poses too frequently. Attempt to maintain slow motion so that the photography crew can capture steady images. Giving oneself free rein in the water will also produce a stunning mermaid, fostering creativity in every picture.

  • Try not to look into the camera:

Underwater eye contact is less attractive than natural stances. When your eyes are not on the camera, your photos can become spectacular. So, to acquire the best positions, keep in mind to concentrate on some aquatic plants or fish.

  • Have knowledge about underwater communication signs:

It is really challenging to converse with one another underwater because sound waves cannot travel there. In order to effectively communicate, you and the photography team must discuss indicators. Keep in mind that if there is no communication, one will just waste time in irritation.

  • Practice your moves in advance:

Particularly during an underwater photo shoot, it is imperative to practice or envision the positions you have chosen, or it could all be for nothing! Therefore, don’t over-practice, but be a little bit ready to make your imagination come to life. Remember, the pictures are to cherish the whole life with your family which is why it should be really amazing!

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As much as these ideas sound amazing, here are some preconditions you should be considering:

  • The couple should be knowing proper swimming. Giving a try to go underwater shoot doesn’t sound either wise or safe. 
  • The photographer that you choose should be aware of swimming as well. And their equipment should be chosen accordingly to work underwater. 
  • It is quite important to make sure that the hotel/resort authorities don’t have any issues with gowns (bride) and Tuxedo or suit (groom) in replacing to the swimming costumes. 
  • Being inside the water can be challenging, which is why it is important that you practice a few times before the actual shoot. This will help you to be comfortable when you’ll be shooting in the other clothes and that too underwater. 

To conclude, this unique yet daring photoshoot is possible but there are some things that should be taken care of beforehand. You and your partner should be firm about your decision to go for this photoshoot, considering everything before finalizing the wedding photographer. 

We at Shan Photography are known as one of the best when it comes to Indian Wedding Photography Dallas. If you’re looking for someone who can actually pull up the best wedding photography albums then we are indeed the best for the job. We are very transparent with our work, when it’s on us you shouldn’t worry at all. We are all ears, to listen to your ideas and thoughts that you have for your wedding. Feel free to check out our website to see how our work is done and you can contact us as well. Our wishes are with you throughout your happy journey of this beautiful beginning! 

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